The Manbottle Library  :  Humor  :  The Paratrooper

The Paratrooper

A paratrooper calls his dad after his first day of paratrooping. His dad asks "So, did you jump?" He says "I will get to that."

When he was airborne the drill captain opened the door and told every one it was time to jump. So everyone else jumped, but he was the last one, and still stayed in the plane. The drill captain told him to jump, but he said no and that he was too scared. The captain tried repeatedly to get him to jump but couldn't make him do so. So the drill captain went to the cockpit to get the sergeant.

The sergeant heard about the first-time paratrooper and how he didn't want to jump. So he went back to the paratrooper and pulled out a baseball bat. He was a huge muscular guy. He told the paratrooper he should jump or he would shove the bat up his ass. The dad asks on the phone "So did you jump?" The paratrooper replies "Well a little, at first."

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