You knew these were coming...
Q: What do Bin Laden and Hiroshima have in common?
A: Nothing... yet.
Q: How do you play Taliban bingo?
A: B-52... F-16... B-1...
Q: What is the Taliban's national bird?
A: Duck
Q: How is Bin Laden like Fred Flintstone?
A: Both may look out their windows and see Rubble.
Q: What do Osama Bin Laden and General Custer have in common?
A: They both want to know where those Tomahawks are coming from!
Q: What's the five day forecast for Afghanistan?
A: Two days.
Q: What's the difference between Christmas and Osama Bin Laden?
A: There will be a Christmas in December
Q: Why doesn't the Taliban have Drivers Ed and Sex Ed classes on the
same day?
A: Because the camels can't handle it
Q: How many Bin Laden terrorists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: No one may ever know.
Q: What's orange and looks good on Taliban militiamen?
A: Napalm.
Q: What do you get when you cross a B-52 bomber and Osama Bin Ladin?
A: an expensive fireworks show
Q: How do you clear an Afghanistan bingo hall?
A: Yell B-52 as loud as you can
Q: How does a member of the Taliban have safe sex?
A: They put a red X on the camels that kick.